Looking to Volunteer? Let us know!

Your time can make a big difference in our community.

We welcome members of the community, students, and corporate partners to reach out for volunteer opportunities.

Fill out the form on this page, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible!

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Put your talents to work for your community.


The United Way of Meriden and Wallingford makes volunteering fun, easy, and accessible to individuals, families, groups, and corporations. Put your talents to work for your community.


Give the gift of you. Volunteer.

Current Opportunities

Individual or Youth Volunteers

United Way of Meriden and Wallingford offers you a variety of ways to get involved and make an impact. Volunteerism is also a great way to fulfill community service requirements for graduation, student organizations, college applications and scholarships, merit badges, and many other programs.

Corporate Volunteers

Help increase employee productivity, enhance employee teamwork skills, improve public image, and increase employee leadership skills by working together on a project in your community. Take a morning, afternoon, or day to serve your community through a hands-on volunteer experience. Every September, United Way of Meriden and Wallingford host's their annual day event, Day of Caring, when corporate volunteers are connected to half-day or full-day projects across Meriden and Wallingford!

Holiday Programs

Our Adopt-A-Family Program is a way to work with your family, friends, group, or company to sponsor a local family and purchase much-needed items from their holiday wish list. The United Way of Meriden and Wallingford also sponsors The Giving Tree at the Meriden Mall, where shoppers are encouraged to select a tag from the tree, purchase the gift item on the tag, and drop the gift off with mall staff. Anything you can do to help will have a huge impact on making the holidays much brighter for local families.


As an individual, as a company, as this United Way, we all can advocate for the programs that will bring lasting change that our community needs so all of us can advance. That’s what it means to LIVE UNITED.

In the Meriden-Wallingford area, we advocate by:

  • Convening community parents, educators, agencies, and businesses to develop a blueprint for Early Learning that charts how we will improve the lives of children in our community from birth to age eight by looking at their education, income stability, and health.
  • Helping to produce the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness in Meriden and Wallingford and helping our community and partner agencies to develop the programs that will achieve that goal.
  • Partnering with MidState Medical Center to conduct a needs assessment on health and quality of life issues for our citizens.

Campaign Toolkit

The Volunteer Center of the United Way of Meriden and Wallingford has been the liaison for our agencies in matching the needy families in the community with corporate groups who wish to “adopt” these families for the holidays.

Agencies screen the families to determine eligibility so that you know your generosity is going to the most needy families in the community — families that would “go without” for the holidays.

Frequently requested items are toys, food, clothing, and sometimes household items. Families can be small or large, and on occasion, senior citizens.

If this program sounds right for your employees, just do the following:

  • Choose a contact person.
  • Determine how many of your employees will be participating.
  • Collect the items.
  • Decide who will do the shopping.
  • Contact The Volunteer Center of the United Way of Meriden and Wallingford.

Once your contact person answers some general questions, a match is made! From this point on, your contact person deals directly with the agency.

United Way is your partner in employee engagement. United Way offers workplace engagement activities that bring employees together to solve tough challenges. We have a large and trusted network of community partners that allows our team to offer unique experiences to fit your workplace culture and values.


  • Half- or full-day projects held at a community partner agency
  • Great for team building
  • United Way staff identifies the project and will work with your team to ensure that the day runs smoothly
  • Sites throughout central and northeastern Connecticut

Join the Movement!

Volunteerism is one of the ways United Way brings people together to solve our most difficult challenges and build a stronger community. When you volunteer with us, you will be sharing your time and talents with those who need them most.

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